Regular Council Meeting

September 16, 2013

The Council of the Village of Riverlea met on the above date at the Thomas Worthington High School, Worthington. The following Council members were present: Mayor Kirk M. McHugh, Jon L. Ankrom, Scott K. Gordon, Jenny D. Jones and Eric A. MacGilvray, President Pro-Tem. Absent were Briggs W. Hamor and Donald E. Griffith. Also present were Pamela M. Colwell, Clerk-Treasurer, L. Leah Reibel, Solicitor, William P. Charles, Street Commissioner, Karen McElmurray, Marshal, Michael Jones, Planning Commissioner, Jody Croley Jones, Web Manager and Lois Yoakam, Newsletter Editor. Guests of Council were Josh Mehling and Jim Dippel (Burgess & Niple). At 7:10 pm the Mayor called the meeting to order


  1. The minutes of the regular Council meeting of August 19, 2013 were not read since each member had received a copy. MacGilvray moved and Ankrom seconded the motion that the minutes be approved as submitted by the Clerk-Treasurer. The motion was approved unanimously (4-0).

Report of the Clerk-Treasurer

  1. Jones moved and Gordon seconded the motion to approve the payment of bills and to accept the financial report for August 2013 as submitted by the Clerk-Treasurer. The motion was approved unanimously (4-0).

Report of the Mayor

  1. The Mayor has not received Donald Griffith’s resignation yet.

Report of the Solicitor

  1. The Solicitor reported she reviewed the documents for the sanitary sewer project and advised Council on what was required to fill a vacancy on Council.

Report of the Street Commissioner

  1. The Street Commissioner reported the sanitary sewer project has officially begun. Residents who will be impacted by the project have been notified. The Village’s website will also have the project’s schedule.
  2. A resident, 5846 Olentangy Blvd, has a lateral line that will need to be re-established (the connection is broken). The Commissioner asked Council if they wanted to pay to have the lining done as it will be for some residents on Riverglen Drive. Council agreed as long as there are funds available.
  3. The Commissioner noted that Performance Pipelining did not list the sub-contractors they will be using in the contract but Burgess & Niple has the list now and has forwarded that information to him. All of the sub-contractors are well respected.
  4. Since one of the sub-contractors will be resurfacing the street after sewer repairs, the Commissioner would like to have them do other street repairs in the Village at the same time. Council agreed that it would be cost effective and asked the Commissioner make a list of the areas needing repair with a cost estimate for the next Council meeting.
  5. Dippel reported that the storm sewer survey is completed and they are working on the mapping. Next month will be the internal inspection which will consist of televising and cleaning. They also plan to do the dry weather screening of the outfalls soon.
  6. MacGilvray asked about assessing the condition of the water lines. The Commissioner said he will contact the City of Columbus for a cost estimate.

Report of the Planning Commissioner

  1. The Commissioner reported there was one application for a Certificate of Appropriateness this month for a rear patio and walkway that was approved.
  2. He asked Council for guidance on determining curb damage from construction before a street bond was refunded. Council said the burden of proof that the curb was not damaged was on the resident. It was suggested that the Planning Commission forms state that the resident may want to take photos of the curb before construction, since establishing that the curb was damaged before the construction work was done would be the resident’s obligation and not the Village’s.

Report of the Marshal

  1. The Marshal reported there were 310 checks with no citations or warnings issued.
  2. Parking on Riverglen and Crescent was discussed and it was determined that the additional number of vehicles was overflow from the apartments on High Street.

Report of the Web Manager

  1. The Web Manager reported that the most visited page on the website was the Council meeting minutes, and suggested this would be a good location to insert important messages for the residents.

Report of the Newsletter Editor

  1. The Editor would like copy for the Newsletter by October 5, 2013.
  2. The monthly Newsletter has a new masthead and since it was a single sheet this month it was printed by the Village to save money.

Comments from Residents on Agenda Items

There were no comments on agenda items.


Old Business

  1. Committee on Infrastructure
    There was no report.
  2. Committee on Ordinances
    Jenny Jones, Chair, reported that she completed the code revisions and emailed them to Council. She also provided a list of outstanding issues. She and Council decided on the following:

    • There will be a Public Forum at the October 21, 2013 Council meeting to discuss these proposed changes and to obtain resident feedback
    • The Solicitor noted that the definitions section is usually at the beginning of a Chapter. The Chair of the Committee stated the definitions section can be moved to the beginning of Chapter 151, or the definition of hardscaping, if added to the landscaping section instead of the definitions section, can refer back to the entire chapter.
    • Council would like decks and patios added to the definition of hardscaping.
    • Council decided that the fees for a Certificate of Appropriateness and street bonds do not need to be changed. It was decided to add a performance bond for construction to make sure the project was completed as approved and within a specified time. A performance bond will be required for projects valued at $20,000 and up, will be 10% of the project cost estimate with a maximum $10,000 bond. A copy of the contractor’s estimate will be required.
    • The permit and applications forms will be modified after the changes to the code have been made.
  3. Committee on Communications
    Jon Ankrom, Chair, reported that the Committee will meeting Tuesday, September 25, 2013. The Newsletter Editor will need help with developing content for the Quarterly Newsletter.

New Business

  1. Resolution No. 2013-12
    Resolution No. 2013-12, A Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying Them to the County Auditor was introduced by Gordon. MacGilvray moved and Ankrom seconded the motion to suspend the three readings of Resolution No. 2013-12. The motion was approved unanimously (4-0). Gordon moved and Ankrom seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 2013-12. The motion was approved unanimously (4-0).
  2. Landscaping bids for 2014
    The current contractor will be merging with another company by the end of the year so the contract for 2014 will not be valid. Other companies have expressed an interest in bidding for maintenance of the green spaces. Council agreed that they would like to see proposals from other companies.
  3. Delaware County Bank
    The Clerk-Treasurer reported that Delaware County Bank has a money market account that pays 0.35%, which is a little higher than our current accounts. Council agreed to opening an account there as long as it met with the Village’s investment policy.
  4. Riverlea Directory
    The directory can be printed for about $100 less if it is printed as a booklet instead of loose-leaf and the miscellaneous information in the front is omitted since the ordinances are codified and the information is located on the Village’s website. It will also save on the cost of the binders. The Newsletter Editor would like to notify residents that the directory will be printed and, therefore, they need to get changes to phone numbers, emails, etc. to her as soon as possible. Council agreed to notify residents in the next Newsletter but then have the directory published before the end of the year.
  5. Budget Committee Meeting
    The Investment/Budget Committee will meet Wednesday, September 25, 2013 at 7:00 pm at 5814 Westchester Court (Pam Colwell) to draft the Village’s appropriations ordinance for 2014 and to review the Village’s investment policy.
  6. Expenses Gordon moved and Ankrom seconded the motion to approve the following expenses:
    $28.46 Franklin County Recorder’s fee
    $54.40 postage and stamps (July-Sept)

    The motion was approved unanimously (4-0).

Comments from Residents on Non-Agenda Items

There were no comments on non-agenda items.

Next Meeting Announcement

The next regular meeting will be Monday, October 21, 2013 at 7:00 pm at the Thomas Worthington High School Library.


There being no further business, Jones moved and Gordon seconded the motion to adjourn. The motion was approved unanimously (4-0). The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.