Regular Council Meeting

October 21, 2013

The Council of the Village of Riverlea met on the above date at the Thomas Worthington High School, Worthington. The following Council members were present: Mayor Kirk M. McHugh, Jon L. Ankrom, Scott K. Gordon, Briggs W. Hamor, Jenny D. Jones and Eric A. MacGilvray, President Pro-Tem. Also present were Pamela M. Colwell, Clerk-Treasurer, L. Leah Reibel, Solicitor, William P. Charles, Street Commissioner, Karen McElmurray, Marshal, Michael Jones, Planning Commissioner, Jody Croley Jones, Web Manager and Lois Yoakam, Newsletter Editor. Guests of Council were Josh Mehling, Chad Lowe, Gregory Bechtel, and Donald Campbell.

Public Forum on Proposed Building and Zoning Code Changes

At 7:00 pm Jenny Jones, Chair of the Committee on Ordinances, gave an overview of the changes to Chapter 150 Building Regulations and Chapter 151 Zoning Code. Attendance was light and few questions were asked. Jones and her committee have spent the past twenty months compiling, editing and organizing these changes. The Mayor and Council thanked her for doing an excellent job on a very difficult task.

At 7:18 pm the Mayor called the Council meeting to order.


  1. The minutes of the regular Council meeting of September 16, 2013 were not read since each member had received a copy. MacGilvray moved and Jones seconded the motion that the minutes be approved as submitted by the Clerk-Treasurer. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0).

Report of the Clerk-Treasurer

  1. Hamor moved and Ankrom seconded the motion to approve the payment of bills and to accept the financial report for September 2013 as submitted by the Clerk-Treasurer. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0).

Report of the Mayor

  1. The Mayor had no report.

Report of the Solicitor

  1. The Solicitor reported she has been assisting the Street Commissioner with questions regarding the sewer project and has also been working with Jenny Jones on the ordinance changes.

Report of the Street Commissioner

  1. The Street Commissioner reported that the sanitary sewer project is moving forward on schedule.
  2. Manhole grade changes and access for maintenance in resident back yards need to be discussed by Council in new business.
  3. The 175 W. Southington sewer wye repair also needs to be discussed by Council in new business.
  4. The storm sewer mapping draft has been completed and is being reviewed.

Report of the Planning Commissioner

  1. The Commissioner reported there were two applications for a Certificate of Appropriateness this month. One was for an addition that was tabled due to being over the 40% lot coverage limit. The applicant wanted more time to look at their options. Another application was approved for a rear dormer addition.

Report of the Marshal

  1. The Marshal reported there were 271 checks with no citations or warnings issued.
  2. The Mayor reported that Worthington Police were pursuing burglary cases since there has been an increase. He urges residents to call the police about any suspicious activity or cars because the police cannot be everywhere.

Report of the Web Manager

  1. The Web Manager had no report.

Report of the Newsletter Editor

  1. The Editor would like copy for the Newsletter by November 5, 2013.
  2. She is working on the November Quarterly Newsletter and updating the directory.

Comments from Residents on Agenda Items

There were no comments on agenda items.


Old Business

  1. Committee on Infrastructure
    Briggs Hamor, Chair, reported that the Committee plans to schedule a meeting soon.
  2. Committee on Ordinances
    Jenny Jones, Chair, reported that she will continue to organize the ordinance changes, remove duplications and add access to utilities information. The Solicitor will help in adding language to make sure the Village maintains the right to enforce building regulations and that Franklin County will enforce not only new construction but also remodeling. Jenny Jones suggested that a flow chart be created to help residents with frequently asked questions.
  3. Committee on Communications Jon Ankrom, Chair, reported that the Committee will meet Tuesday, October 29, 2013. The content for the Quarterly Newsletter will be an ongoing issue. The problem is getting people to contribute.

New Business

  1. Council Appointment
    Don Griffith resigned because he moved out of the Village and Council discussed filling the vacant position until the term ends December 31, 2013. One resident expressed interest and Council would like the resident to submit some background information for the next Council meeting.
  2. Ordinance No. 05-2013
    Ordinance No. 05-2013, Annual Appropriation Ordinance (Village) for 2014 was introduced by MacGilvray. It was given the first reading
  3. Resolution No. 2013-13
    Resolution No. 2013-13, A Resolution to Provide for the Removal of Ice and Snow From the Streets of the Village of Riverleawas introduced by Jones. Ankrom moved and Hamor seconded the motion to suspend the three readings of Resolution No. 2013-13. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0). Gordon moved and Jones seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 2013-13. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0). Sharon Township will continue to provide this service.
  4. Resolution No. 2013-14
    Resolution No. 2013-14, A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into a Contract with the City of Columbus for Legal Representation in Certain Criminal and Traffic Cases was introduced by Hamor. Jones moved and Gordon seconded the motion to suspend the three readings of Resolution No. 2013-14. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0). MacGilvray moved and Jones seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 2013-14. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0).
  5. Resolution No. 2013-15
    Resolution No. 2013-15, A Resolution to Provide Legal Counsel for the Village of Riverlea was introduced by Ankrom. Council was pleased that Leah Reibel wanted to continue as the Village’s Solicitor and that her contract was the same as last year. Gordon moved and Ankrom seconded the motion to suspend the three readings of Resolution No. 2013-15. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0). Jones moved and MacGilvray seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 2013-15. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0
  6. Landscaping Bid Requirements
    Council added the two front entrance’s flowerbeds to the areas to be maintained by contract. They would like to review bids at the December Council meeting.
  7. Expense
    The water lines at the excavation areas for the sewer project needed to be located and Gudenkauf Corp. was asked to provide this service. Ankrom moved and Hamor seconded the motion to authorize the expenditure of $300 to Gudenkauf Corporation. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0).
  8. Southington Wye Repair
    The new house built on Southington connected to the wye in the sewer line in the street for sanitary service. Subsequently the wye was discovered to be in need of repair. The Street Commissioner notified the homeowners (Lowe) of this and expressed the need to expedite the repair to keep the sewer lining project on schedule. To the Lowes’s credit they put aside their concerns for the cost and proceeded to have the wye replaced right away so as to not impede the sewer project. Now they would like the Village to pay for the cost of this. The Street Commissioner stated that Worthington’s policy is to place the cost to connect to the wye, including any repairs needed to the wye, on the homeowner. However, he thought that the Village might want to consider reimbursing the homeowner for part of the cost. Many on Council felt that the wye was the Village’s responsibility, but from the wye to the home was the homeowner’s responsibility. Part of the lateral from the wye to the home was also replaced at the same time. Council asked Lowe to submit an itemized invoice for them to review and they will discuss this at the next Council meeting. Council is concerned about their actions setting a precedent and want to proceed with caution.

    Council noted that some residents were getting lateral pipes lined to the main sewer at the expense of the Village but that was an exception made because of a mandate by the EPA to stop water infiltration and only a few residents were affected. Council said this was a one-time exception. Tap, tap fees, and line repairs/replacements to the main sewer are the homeowner’s responsibility. Council discussed establishing a policy that future connections to utilities in the Village will be the homeowner’s responsibility.

  9. Manholes
    Some residents have manholes in their backyards which have been covered over and forgotten. Part of the sewer project is to bring these manholes up to grade level and keep them exposed for future maintenance. About four residences have been identified with fences over or next to the manhole locations which need to either be moved or have a gate installed. There may be additional manholes along the southern border of the Village that pose the same issue. The Solicitor said the Village has the right to access for manhole maintenance. After some discussion Council said the homeowner is responsible for any expenses to keep these manholes accessible. However, they felt that a gate may not be necessary as long as a section of fence can be easily removed for access, such as a removable partition. After the manhole construction, the contractor is responsible for making certain that the area is secured by blocking the hole that was created in the fence.

Comments from Residents on Non-Agenda Items

There were no comments on non-agenda items.

Next Meeting Announcement

The next regular meeting will be Monday, November18, 2013 at 7:00 pm at the Thomas Worthington High School.


There being no further business, Ankrom moved and Hamor seconded the motion to adjourn. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0). The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.