Communications Committee Meeting
May 28, 2013, 7:00 pm
Jody Croley Jones’s Residence
In attendance; Jon Ankrom, Jody Croley Jones, Pam Colwell, Lois Yoakam, Kathy McClintock, Sarah Mehling
Last month’s minutes were approved as read by the full committee and filed.
Social Chair
- Date change of July 4th Summer Picnic to summer party on July 27th. Change will be announced in June’s newsletter. Details to follow in July’s newsletter.
- Play in the Park, every Wednesday from 10 – 12 pm throughout the summer.
- Needs pictures, especially from recent events (Memorial Day Parade, etc.). Will advertise in newsletter and on Facebook. Pictures may be emailed to Jody.
- Jody will make a page for the Social Chair where details of upcoming events can be shared.
- Postcards reminding neighbors to “opt in” to the online newsletter will be sent this week.
- Content for the new quarterly newsletter;
- Pam shared Jeff’s article Le Chatelaine. The committee thought it was great.
- Kathy to follow up with Patty on her article about our quirky streets.
- Jody will have an article about the street work.
- Sarah will talk to Club 545 / MIT about getting an article together.
- Jon spoke to Max (11 years old) about working on the Kids’ Corner / Safety.
- Jon will also speak to Eric about writing and article regarding the infrastructure.
- The August 15th Newsletter should also contain any info on upcoming social events that will occur within the quarterly period. (Halloween, Turkey Trot)
- Possibly add the theme for the next newsletter to solicit writers. Next theme – Art & Architecture?
- DEADLINES – July 1st for the August 15th newsletter. We may be able to streamline this process in the future.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Next meeting – Tuesday, June 25 19, 7:00 pm.
Jody Croley Jones’ residence, 5830 Falmouth Court.