Regular Council Meeting

May 16, 2011

The Council of the Village of Riverlea met on the above date at the Thomas Worthington High School, Worthington. The following Council members were present: Mayor Mary Jo Cusack, Jon L. Ankrom, Scott K. Gordon, Donald E. Griffith, Briggs W. Hamor, Eric A. MacGilvray and Kirk M. McHugh, President Pro-Tem. Also present were Pamela M. Colwell, Clerk-Treasurer, Steven W. Mershon, Solicitor, William P. Charles, Street Commissioner, and Kar.en McElmurray, Marshal At 7:05 p.m. the Mayor called the meeting to order.


  1. 1. The minutes of the regular Council meeting of April 18, 2011 were not read since each member had received a copy. McHugh moved and MacGilvray seconded a motion that the minutes be approved as submitted by the Clerk-Treasurer. The motion was approved unanimously (6-0).

Report of the Clerk-Treasurer

  1. 1. Ankrom moved and Griffith seconded a motion to approve the payment of bills and to accept the financial report for April 2011, as submitted by the Clerk-Treasurer. The motion was approved unanimously (6-0).

Report of the Mayor

  1. The Mayor thanked Carolee Noonan for handling the Bunny Hop and doing a great job. She thanked the Easter Bunny for making the day extra special.
  2. She also thanked Becky Bisenius and Chad Saucedo for donating the flags that are flying at the two front entrances and Jeff Colwell for installing the new flag brackets.
  3. SWACO is taking nominations for their board. She wrote a letter supporting Colleen Briscoe. She also has a copy of their 15 year draft if anyone wants to review it.
  4. Riverlea will be a topic of discussion at the Worthington Council meeting tonight and she will be going there after this meeting.
  5. FEMA stated that they will be communicating on Facebook and Twitter instead of sending out emails. The Mayor said she is not going to sign up with either as she has enough to keep track of already. She will be sending them a letter stating this and asking them to continue emailing her.
  6. The estate tax will be eliminated January 1, 2011 instead of in two years as previously stated if HB 3 passes.
  7. WOOSE sent a letter to newspapers stating that the OSU Airport runway is not needed and the Part 150 noise study was not properly completed per the FAA. There are additional issues with the airport that WOOSE is looking into.

Report of the Solicitor

  1. The Solicitor reported a pleading was prepared for the FCC regarding the radio station. Council has received a copy of it.

Report of the Planning Commissioner

  1. The Planning Commissioner was not present so the Clerk-Treasurer gave the report. In May there were two certificates of appropriateness approved. One was for a flagstone patio at 37 W. Southington and the other was for a picket fence at 250 W. Riverglen.

Report of the Marshal

  1. The Marshal reported there were 280 checks with no citations or warnings.
  2. There have been some issues with sick raccoons in the Village. The police were notified and they shot the sick animals in case they had rabies. The disposal of a dead animal on public property was questioned. The Mayor will look into what to do on public property. Residents need to dispose of dead animals on their property.
  3. MacGilvray suggested that the residents need to be informed that animals not acting normally, such as nocturnal animals being out during the day, may be dangerous and children need to be educated to not touch them. The Mayor said this will be put in the newsletter.

Report of the Street Commissioner

  1. The Commissioner reported there were a number of traffic cones missing and they need to be replaced. The Mayor expressed her concern that residents may be moving the cones between streets. Only the current Street Commissioner or the police should place or move the cones.

Report of the Newsletter Editor

  1. The Editor said she would like copy for the Newsletter by June 5th.

Report of the Web Manager

  1. There was no report.

Report of Parks and Recreation

  1. There was no report.

Comments from Residents on Agenda Items

  1. There were no comments on agenda items.

Old Business

  1. There was no old business.

New Business

  1. Expenses
    McHugh moved and Hamor seconded the motion to authorize the payment of the Burgess & Niple invoice of $412.56. The motion was approved unanimously (6-0).

    MacGilvray moved and Griffith seconded the motion to authorize the expenditure of up to $1,500 for the July 4th picnic. The Clerk-Treasurer will look into getting a smaller tent this year. The motion was approved unanimously (6-0).

  2. Orange Traffic Cones
    McHugh moved and Gordon seconded the motion to authorize the expenditure of up to $500 for traffic cones. The motion was approved unanimously (6-0).
  3. Budget Committee Meeting
    The Committee will meet Friday, May 20, 2011 at 6:00 pm at 229 West Southington Avenue to discuss the 2012 tax budget.
  4. Street Cleaning
    The Mayor would like to see the streets cleaned prior to the July 4th picnic. Council wanted to see the costs first before authorizing. She will look into it for the next meeting

Discussion on Worthington Annexation

The Annexation Commission has met this past month. Street lights and sidewalks were discussed. Residents can vote to have either or Worthington Council can vote for either if certain conditions apply such as safety. The Mayor is concerned about citizens who feel the cut through will go in after annexation. McHugh said Worthington will have to use eminent domain and they have not used that before. There is no guarantee that they won’t do it but it is unlikely in the near future. Council will make sure residents are well aware of this before voting on annexation. The next meeting will discuss zoning.

Comments from Residents on Non-Agenda Items

There were no comments on non-agenda items


Next Meeting Announcement

The next regular meeting will be Monday, June 20, 2011 at 7:00 pm at the Thomas Worthington High School.



There being no further business, MacGilvray moved and Hamor seconded a motion to adjourn. The motion was approved unanimously (6-0). The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.