Communications Committee Meeting

June 26, 2012
Jones Residence, 5830 Falmouth Court

In attendance: Jon Ankrom, Jody Croley Jones, Pam Colwell, Lois Yoakam, Greg Bonk, Patty Charles, Kathy McClintock
Last month’s minutes were approved as read by the full committee and filed.
Jon suggested that we not meet the month of July and the full committee agreed.


At the last meeting, members were asked to look at the website and share their thoughts.

  • Jon visited other local village websites and felt that ours looked much more professional.
  • Almost too much information
  • Maybe needs to be broken down for easier access of information.
  • Add an FAQ section for each of the committees. Pam, Patty & Jody will speak with the various committees / board / council chairs to come up with the top five FAQs.
  • Add important contact info for the residents (not only the new residents).
  • It was suggested that the visitor’s page may not be necessary. However, Jody said that it received many hits.
  • Add more Riverlea history. Jon is going to contact Rod Tettenhorst to see if he will help with this.
  • Add an infrastructure page; get the highlights from the committee rather than just the minutes.
  • Add a page for each of the committees; include who is on the committee and important information not just minutes.
  • Add terms for the current council members.
  • Put new Facebook info on the website first to see how many hits we get then advertise it in the newsletter. State that one of our residents has started a Facebook group and to please feel free to join the group.
  • Put something on the website that disclaims that the site is mainly used by the Village as a means of disseminating important information.
  • Show a calendar for the entire year as opposed to just a month. However, Jody and Pam stated that the calendar changes so often, it is easier to just have to change one.
  • Jody will work on making some of these changes so that the committee can try them out before they go live on the website.


Have people who organize an event follow up with website and newsletter chairs with updated info on how the event went.

  • Would love to see pictures added, but space is limited and cost is an issue.
  • Still looking into getting printing and postage donated or sponsored.
  • Consider quarterly mailings vs. monthly. Jon reminded us that the goal of our committee is to promote communication, so cutting down the number of newsletters may not be in our best interest.
  • Next issue will contain:
    • Fun Run update
    • Highlights from meetings
    • Trash collection info.
    • License tax info.
    • Millage info.
    • Lois has emails out to some of our new neighbors for their stories.
  • Lois and Patty will work together over the next couple of months improving the newsletter.
  • Patty will work to come up with a plan on how to move forward with the campaign to reduce the number of newsletters and save money. She will present her ideas at the next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Next meeting – Tuesday, August 28, 7:00 pm.
Jody Croley Jones’s residence, 5830 Falmouth Court.