Regular Council Meeting
June 18, 2012
The Council of the Village of Riverlea met on the above date at the Thomas Worthington High School, Worthington. The following Council members were present: Mayor Kirk M. McHugh, Jon L. Ankrom, Scott K. Gordon, Donald E. Griffith, Jenny D. Jones and Briggs W. Hamor. Eric A. MacGilvray, President Pro-Tem was absent. Also present were Pamela M. Colwell, Clerk-Treasurer, Steven W. Mershon, Solicitor, and Lois Yoakam, Newsletter Editor. At 7:00 pm the Mayor called the meeting to order.
- The minutes of the regular Council meeting May 21, 2012 were not read since each member had received a copy. Gordon moved and Ankrom seconded a motion that the minutes be approved as submitted by the Clerk-Treasurer. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0).
Report of the Clerk-Treasurer
- Hamor moved and Jones seconded a motion to approve the payment of bills and to accept the financial report for May 2012, as submitted by the Clerk-Treasurer. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0).
Report of the Mayor
- The Mayor reported that he has received calls for information on our waste company, bins, etc. and will have the Web Manager put this up on the website for residents.
- The Riverlea Fun Run was a success and he thanked the planners and participants.
- He has contacted Iron Grill BBQ & Brew (formerly Pig Iron) for quotes on barbecue meat for the July 4th picnic and they have offered free buns with the purchase.
- The Mayor reported there have been complaints about deer damage and fear of lyme disease. The ticks for lyme disease are everywhere and not just on the deer. He is not sure if anything can be done about the damage the deer are causing but he will contact ODNR and see what they suggest
Report of the Solicitor
- There was no report
Report of the Planning Commissioner
- There was no meeting in June
Report of the Marshal
- There was no report
Report of the Street Commissioner
- Street Commissioner reported that the leaking fire hydrant on Southington will be fixed this week. There was a problem in getting the contract to them
Report of the Newsletter Editor
- The Editor would like copy for the Newsletter by July 5th. If there is no Council meeting in July, she would like the committees to write something for the Newsletter.
Report of the Web Manager
- There was no report.
Comments from Residents on Agenda Items
- There were no comments on agenda items.
Old Business
- Committee on Infrastructure
Hamor, Committee Chair, reported that, after some review, research into loans and bonds will be put on hold so the Committee can focus on grants and government funding. By mid-September they have to submit an OPWC grant application and will ask Burgess & Niple to assist since they have experience in this. The Street Commissioner said Burgess & Niple estimated that it will cost about $5,000 for their help.The Committee would like to see Council request an additional $5 motor vehicle license tax because it would add points to the application. The applications score points for meeting certain criteria and the Committee would hate to lose a grant by a few points. A member of Council did not like to have additional taxes but understood why this may be necessary. This is a street permissive tax and could only be used on street maintenance and repairs. The next meeting will be decided and announced shortly.
- Committee on Ordinances
Jenny Jones, Committee Chair, reported they met June 13, 2012 to review Chapter 111, Peddlers and Solicitors ordinances in light of recent court decisions and past experience with permits. Recent court decisions have removed many restrictions on people going door to door for various activities and Council did not want the Village to be liable. The permits were not only an administrative burden on the Clerk-Treasurer but may also have given residents the impression that the solicitor/peddler had been “vetted” by the Village as reputable, which was not the case. The Committee felt that residents were better served by posting a “No Peddlers or Solicitors” sign near their door if they did not want them knocking and all residents were free to not answer the door or to say no. There are penalties for not respecting the do not knock sign and residents will need to call the police, not Village officials. The Committee will take a break for the summer and not meet again until sometime in August. - Committee on Communications
Ankrom, Committee Chair, reported that they are focusing on improving the website and newsletter for now. They are asking Council to offer suggestions for improvement of the website. Ankrom also reported that a resident has set up a Riverlea Facebook page but it is not affiliated with the government of the Village. Also, Pattie Charles has volunteered to help with public relations for the Newsletter. The next meeting will be June 26, 2012 at 7:00 pm at 5830 Falmouth Court. - Resolution No. 2012-06
Resolution No. 2012-06, A Resolution to Request the Franklin County Budget Commission to Grant the 0.65 Mills in Available Inside Millage to the Village of Riverlea, Ohio was read by title for the second reading. Council noted that no residents attended this meeting. The resolution must be submitted with the Village’s 2013 tax budget to the Franklin County Auditor before July 20th, so the third reading has to be waived. Ankrom moved and Griffith seconded the motion to suspend the three readings of Resolution No. 2012-06. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0). Jones moved and Hamor seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 2012-06. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0).
New Business
- Resolution No. 02-2012
Ankrom introduced Ordinance No. 02-2012, An Ordinance to Approve a Modification and Realignment of Ordinance No. 04-2011, The Annual Appropriation Ordinance (Village). The Clerk-Treasurer reported that this will not change the General Fund total. Griffith moved and Jones seconded the motion to suspend the three readings of Ordinance No. 02-2012. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0). Jones moved and Ankrom seconded the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 02-2012. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0). - Resolution No. 03-2012
Jones introduced Ordinance No. 03-2012, An Ordinance to Modify Restrictions on Uninvited Peddlers and Solicitors and it was given its first reading. Council agreed with the Committee on Ordinances that this ordinance addressed the problems of the current ordinance. - 2013 Tax Budget
Hamor moved and Ankrom seconded the motion to approve the 2013 tax budget for the Village. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0). - Expenses
Gordon moved and Jones seconded the motion to authorize the following expenditures:Radico invoice for lift station float repair $457.62
Clerk-Treasurer for stamps and postage $39.00
Waterworks for hydrant repair $746.58The motion was approved unanimously (5-0)
Comments from Residents on Non-Agenda Items
Next Meeting Announcement