The Council of the Village of Riverlea met in special session on the above date via Zoom teleconference software. The following Council members were present: Mayor Eric A. MacGilvray, Marc J. Benevento, Scott K. Gordon, Kathy E. McClintock, Ted C. Miller, and Leah M. Pyter. Also present were Joshua C. Mehling, Clerk-Treasurer and L. Leah Reibel, Solicitor. At 7:08 p.m., the Mayor called the meeting to order.


The minutes of the regular Council meeting of June 15, 2020 were not read since each member had received a copy. Pyter moved and Benevento seconded the motion that the minutes be approved as submitted by the Clerk-Treasurer. The following vote was recorded on the motion: Yea: 5, Benevento, McClintock, and Pyter; Nay: None; Abstain: 1, Miller. The motion carried (3-0-1).  Gordon was not yet in attendance at the time of this vote.

The minutes of the special Council meeting of July 17, 2020 were not read since each member had received a copy. McClintock moved and Benevento seconded the motion that the minutes be approved as submitted by the Clerk-Treasurer. The following vote was recorded on the motion: Yea: 5, Benevento, McClintock, Miller, and Pyter; Nay: None; Abstain: 1, Gordon. The motion carried (4-0-1).

Dead Tree Removal

The Mayor stated that there are four dead trees in the ravine and that he had spoken with a company about removing these. The quote for this service was $3,000, which includes cutting down and removing the trees. Benevento moved to authorize no more than $3,500 to remove these trees and Miller seconded this motion. The motion passed (5-0).

Ordinance 06-2020

Ordinance 06-2020, An Ordinance Determining to Levy a Tax of 5.5 Mills, in Excess of the Ten Mill Limitation, and to Declare an Emergency, was introduced by Pyter. Pyter moved and McClintock seconded the motion to waive the three readings of the ordinance in order to submit this ordinance to the Franklin County Board of Elections in a timely manner. The motion passed (5-0). McClintock moved and Miller seconded the motion to approve the ordinance. The motion passed (5-0).

Ordinance 07-2020

Ordinance 07-2020, Ordinance Determining to Proceed to Levy a 1.5 Mills Additional Tax in Excess of the Ten Mill Limitation for the Purpose of the Construction, Reconstruction, Resurfacing, or Repair of Streets, Roads, and Bridges, and General Infrastructure Projects in the Village of Riverlea, Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency was introduced by Benevento. Benevento moved and Gordon seconded the motion to waive the three readings of the ordinance in order to submit this ordinance to the Franklin County Board of Elections in a timely manner. The motion passed (5-0). Benevento moved and McClintock seconded the motion to approve the ordinance. The motion passed (5-0).


Gordon moved and McClintock seconded the motion to authorize the following expenditures

โ€“ $232.52 โ€“ Kim Bahr โ€“ Flowers for entrances

โ€“ $216.69 โ€“ Josh Mehling โ€“ Supplies & Postage

The motion was approved unanimously (5-0).


There being no further business, McClintock moved and Miller seconded the motion to adjourn.  The motion was approved unanimously (5-0).  The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 p.m.


Joshua C. Mehling, Clerk-Treasurer

Eric A. MacGilvray, Mayor