Communications Committee Meeting

January 29, 2013, 7:00 pm
Jones Residence, 5830 Falmouth Court

In attendance; Jon Ankrom, Jody Croley Jones, Pam Colwell, Lois Yoakam, Kathy McClintock.


  1. Much of our meeting time was spent on discussing possible sections / content within the quarterly newsletter. Please see attached list.
  2. Chris and Jon have been communicating about how much “real estate” is needed for the quarterly newsletter. Our committee needs to determine what will be included in the newsletter in order to have a better idea of the necessary space requirements.
    • Committee to focus on narrowing down/determining content.
    • Work on layout for monthly fact sheet.
  3. How will content be compiled by the editor?
    • Still in need of a social chair.
    • Kathy to repost need on facebook.
  4. Need to collect email addresses and build a database. Emails could be used to send out announcements in emergency situations or to let people know pertinent information.
    • Lois will send excel spreadsheet to Jody.
    • Anyone within the committee with email addresses will forward them to Jody.
  5. Still looking for neighbors to submit pictures of Riverlea.
    • Kathy will post request on facebook, asking that they be sent to Jody.
  6. Jon will contact Patti to come up w/ a plan for those who do not want paper copies.


    1. Jody has updated the website with a new newsletter format. She will run with the new format next month.
      • In an effort to promote the new on-line newsletter , Lois will post an article about it in the next newsletter. Jody will put a blurb on facebook to encourage members to go to the website and check it out.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Next meeting – Tuesday, February 26, 7:00 pm.
Jody Croley Jones’s residence, 5830 Falmouth Court.