Communications Committee Meeting

February 21, 2013, 7:00 pm
Jones Residence, 5830 Falmouth Court

In attendance; Jon Ankrom, Jody Croley Jones, Lois Yoakam, Greg Bonk, Sarah Mehling and Pam Colwell

Jon stated that the purpose of this meeting would be to discuss the quarterly newsletter and try to develop a campaign to opt in for the online newsletter.

Jody sent a number of emails to residents informing them that the newsletter is online and they can opt in to receive this monthly notification and not receive the paper newsletter. She said around 36 replied, which is about 10% of the Village. She will let the Newsletter Editor know who no longer wants the paper newsletter.

To encourage residents to view the newsletter online and no longer receive the printed copy, residents will need to be told what the benefits are and then be shown how to opt in. The Committee will need to determine what those benefits are (cost savings, links to other information, etc.). To get this message out to residents, the following ideas were presented:

  • Mail a postcard to residents
  • Use the newsletter and website
  • Use Facebook
  • Post signs around the Village
  • Have this information available at social events of the Village, such as the Easter Egg Hunt

Jon suggested that the quarterly newsletter should be mailed to everyone at the beginning. Lois thought it may cause some confusion to those who opt out of the paper copy. It was decided that the quarterly newsletter would be sent in February, May, August and November. The first edition would probably not be available until August.

With the production of the quarterly newsletter, the monthly newsletter will become a single sheet with mostly information from Council meetings. Jon will ask Chris Coe to design a new masthead for it.

Lois suggested that the three newsletters (monthly, quarterly and online) have different names. The Committee agreed and asked for suggestions at the next meeting.

Jon asked Lois, Newsletter Editor, to make sure the next newsletter has information about the four Council positions that will be up for election in November and the Clerk-Treasurer position that will be available April 1, 2014. Jody asked that some information about the upcoming sewer project also be provided and Pam said she will do that.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.
Next meeting – Tuesday, March 19, 7:00 pm.
Jody Croley Jones’s residence, 5830 Falmouth Court.