Meeting Archive
Public Information
Architectural Review Board (ARB) meetings are held on the second Monday each month at 7:00 pm, pending the need to meet. The ARB does not do building inspection, only architectural review and zoning compliance. All Village residents are welcome and encouraged to attend the meetings.
Regular meeting: February 14, 2011
A meeting of the Village of Riverlea Planning Commission was held February 14, 2011 at 5814 Westchester Court. Members present were Jo Ann Bierman, Bryce E. Jacob, Lisa J. Morris and Donald P. McCarthy. Michael Jones was absent. Also present was George Cleary. Pamela M. Colwell served as Clerk. Bryce Jacob called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
- An application for a Certificate of Appropriateness by Dustin Burt and Christy VanAman at 5790 Pioneers Court to build a 2 ½ car garage attached to the existing porch with the driveway approach on Pioneers Court. George Cleary made the presentation on their behalf. All materials and colors will match existing. They will use stone from more than one manufacturer in order to match as close as possible the existing stone. All new windows will be Viwinco double hung windows. The single car garage will be converted to living space with the garage door being replaced with windows and siding. The existing driveway will be removed and replaced with grass.
The new garage will have a white Wayne-Dalton garage door with windows and Belleville doors per the samples submitted. The driveway will be asphalt and the apron will be built according to Franklin County standards. A $2,000 street bond will be required. The existing low stone wall will be removed. The roofing will match the existing roofing (Driftwood).
The Commission had some concerns regarding the utilities. Cleary stated that the sewer line was not a concern since it was not in line with the construction and is set deeper in the ground. He will re-route the water line if necessary. Jacob informed him that the Village will not be responsible for moving or repairing any utilities and Cleary agreed. Cleary stated they will have a professional survey done before construction, but the exact location of the water line will not be known until they start digging. The Commission asked that he find out where the water line was on the adjacent property. The survey will address any concerns regarding the side yard footage requirements too.
Cleary said there were no plans for landscaping except for grass and that the homeowners will probably do some landscaping on their own after construction. Morris said that since they were removing the low stone wall and bushes, some sort of landscape plan needed to be done. She would like to see some small bushes planted on the south side of the new garage. There was some discussion regarding the need for a landscape plan. The Commission said it did not have to be a formal plan. The homeowner could draw one and show what they intend to do. Jacob pointed out that if the homeowners had attended the meeting, this issue could have been resolved now. The Commission also wanted to know how the old tree on that corner was going to be protected during construction or if it is going to be removed, what would replace it.
McCarthy moved to approve the application as submitted. No one seconded the motion. There was more discussion of the water line and landscaping. Morris moved to table the application until a landscaping plan is submitted, a determination of what is going to happen to the large tree on the corner and to provide a better location of the water line by going to the adjacent property to see where it comes in to their home. Bierman seconded the motion. The following vote was recorded on the motion: Yea, 4; Bierman, McCarthy, Morris and Jacob: Nay, None. The Motion carried 4-0.
- The Commission took no additional action. Jacob moved and Morris seconded a motion to adjourn. The following vote was recorded on the motion: Yea, 4; Bierman, McCarthy, Morris and Jacob: Nay, None. The Motion carried 4-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Michael Jones, Planning Commissioner
Pamela M. Colwell, Clerk