Village of Riverlea Events
Here are upcoming meetings, events and more relevant to residents of the Village of Riverlea.
Village Council Meeting
Old Worthington Library - Wolf Study Room 820 High Street, Worthington, OH, United StatesAll meetings begin at 7:00 pm. When the third Monday of the month is a holiday, Council meets on the following night.nAll meetings will be held at the Thomas Worthington High School, 300 West Granville Road , Worthington, OH 43085, room 127 unless noted otherwise.
February Variance Application Deadline
Deadline to submit an application for a Variance before the next Planning Commission Meeting scheduled in February
February CoA Application Deadline
Deadline to submit an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the next Planning Commission meeting scheduled in February
Planning Committee Meeting
Evening Street Elementary School 885 Evening Street, Worthington, OH, United StatesMonthly Planning Commission meeting. Meets on the second Monday of each month.
Village Council Meeting
Old Worthington Library - Wolf Study Room 820 High Street, Worthington, OH, United StatesAll meetings begin at 7:00 pm. When the third Monday of the month is a holiday, Council meets on the following night.nAll meetings will be held at the Thomas Worthington High School, 300 West Granville Road , Worthington, OH 43085, room 127 unless noted otherwise.
March Variance Application Deadline
Deadline to submit an application for a Variance before the next Planning Commission Meeting scheduled in March
March CoA Application Deadline
Deadline to submit an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the next Planning Commission meeting scheduled in March
Infrastructure Committee Meeting
On-Line MeetingInfrastructure Committee Meeting. Meets on the first Monday of each month. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 982 3156 8391 Password: 362658
Planning Committee Meeting
Evening Street Elementary School 885 Evening Street, Worthington, OH, United StatesMonthly Planning Commission meeting. Meets on the second Monday of each month.
Village Council Meeting
Old Worthington Library - Wolf Study Room 820 High Street, Worthington, OH, United StatesAll meetings begin at 7:00 pm. When the third Monday of the month is a holiday, Council meets on the following night.nAll meetings will be held at the Thomas Worthington High School, 300 West Granville Road , Worthington, OH 43085, room 127 unless noted otherwise.