Regular Council Meeting

April 18, 2016

The Council of the Village of Riverlea met on the above date at the Thomas Worthington High School, Worthington. The following Council members were present: Mayor Eric A. MacGilvray, Scott K. Gordon, Chad A. Lowe, Josh Schoenberger, and Jacalyn Slemmer. Also present were Joshua C. Mehling, Clerk-Treasurer, L. Leah Reibel, Solicitor, Carolee Noonan, Planning Commissioner, William P. Charles, Street Commissioner, and Jody Croley Jones, Web Manager. Guest of Council was Jason Galloway. At 7:01 pm the Mayor called the meeting to order.


  1. The minutes of the regular Council meeting of March 29, 2016 were not read since each member had received a copy. The Clerk-Treasurer noted that Benevento had submitted a note that the regular meeting time of the Infrastructure Committee was 7:00 PM, not 8:00, as stated in the minutes. Schoenberger moved and Slemmer seconded the motion that the minutes be approved as submitted by the Clerk-Treasurer with the above modification. The motion carried (4-0).

Report of the Clerk-Treasurer

  1. Gordon moved and Schoenberger seconded the motion to approve the payment of bills and to accept the financial reports for March 2016 as submitted by the Clerk-Treasurer. The motion carried (4-0).

Report of the Mayor

  1. The Mayor reported that he had found out that residents can obtain a recycle bin for free from the Worthington Municipal Building.
  2. The Mayor reported that he had attended the Infrastructure Committee meeting and that he would be discussing this during the Infrastructure Committee portion of the meeting.

Report of the Solicitor

  1. The Solicitor reported that she had drafted a resolution to create the standing committees for the Village. The Council would need to introduce this resolution and hold its first reading later in the meeting.

Report of the Street Commissioner

  1. The Street Commissioner reported that the street sign at Riverglen & Carrington had been replaced. There were some delays in getting the other signs put up, including an incompatible bracket and an incorrect color scheme on the signs that had been ordered. The Street Commissioner stated that he was working on these and that the signs would be up as soon as possible. The Mayor asked if it would be cheaper to purchase new poles rather that new brackets, and the Street Commissioner replied that it would not.
  2. The Street Commissioner stated that he had spoken with Oakland Nursery about whether they had a program to work with communities to plant trees, and they had replied that they did not have a program of this sort, but that they would be willing to work with the Village to organize something. He mentioned that this program would likely involve planting these trees in the fall and offer residents a choice of about 5 types of trees, as long as they were planted along the street.
  3. The Street Commissioner reported that he had installed the floats on the lift station and that it appeared to be working properly.
  4. The Street Commissioner reported that grass seed had been planted and had sprouted on the property where the sewer outfall work had been performed in the fall.
  5. The Street Commissioner reported that he had not had a chance to mark all of the potholes in the Village for repair, but that he would be doing this.

Report of the Planning Commissioner

  1. The Planning Commissioner reported that the Committee had approved a fence at their April meeting. The Committee did not have a chance to review the minutes of the February meeting, so these will be approved at the next available meeting.

Report of the Web Manager

  1. The Web Manager asked Council whether they wished to wait until Committee meeting minutes had been approved before posting them, as had been done in the past, or post them after the meetings. The Mayor stated that he preferred that the minutes be approved before posting and the Council members agreed with this decision.
  2. The Web Manager mentioned that one of the documents to be stored on the secure cloud was a directory of all Riverlea residents, along with their addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. She asked Council whether they were fine with putting this information up in the cloud. The Solicitor stated that she did not see any legal issue with placing this information on the servers and no Council members expressed an objection to this.

Comments from Residents on Agenda Items

There were no comments from residents.


Old Business

  1. Committee on Infrastructure
    1. The Chair of the Committee was not present. In his place, the Mayor stated that the Committee had met earlier in the month, and that they had decided that monthly meetings would be on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Community of Christ Church. At the April meeting, the Committee reviewed the scoring criteria for the SCIP application and identified areas to be researched further in which Riverlea’s scoring may be improved. The Committee is going to review the state’s “Complete Streets” program to determine the costs and benefits of adopting this in the Village’s infrastructure plans.
    2. The Mayor reiterated that the Village would likely begin design work on the infrastructure project in 2017 and would need to issue short-term bonds in order to fund this.
  2. Communications Committee
    The Chair of the Committee reported that the Committee had met and assigned tasks. The Committee had decided that its number one priority would be to update the directory with good contact information on all residents. The Committee will be meeting again on May 2.
  3. The Chair reported that the Committee had a member drop off, leaving a space to fill if any resident were interested in joining.

New Business

  1. Resolution 2016-06
    Resolution No 2016-06, A Resolution to Create Committees to Support the Work of Village Council and to Appoint Members Thereto was introduced by Schoenberger and given its first reading.
  2. Down to Earth Landscaping
    The Clerk-Treasurer mentioned that Down to Earth Landscaping had handled the park maintenance for the Village in 2015 and questioned whether the Council wanted to pursue the company to handle the work again in 2016. Council had switched to this company after researching options and requesting public bids in early 2015. Schoenberger mentioned that he had hired a teen from the neighborhood to mow his lawn and suggested that the Council may want to think about doing this for the public properties in the Village. The Solicitor stated that she would have concerns with insurance and bonding requirements. The Clerk-Treasurer stated that the maintenance company was also responsible for activities such as leaf blowing, mulching, and flower bed maintenance, among others, and that these activities would have to be factored in. Given these considerations, the Clerk-Treasurer stated that he would contact Down to Earth about these activities.
  3. Expenses
    Slemmer moved and Lowe seconded the motion to authorize the following expenditure :

    $2,866.00 – Ohio Municipal Joint Self-Insurance Pool – 2016 Insurance

    The motion was approved unanimously (4-0).

Comments from Residents on Non-Agenda Items

Jason Galloway stated that he had been working with the City of Columbus to remove invasive species, such as Garlic Mustard and Honeysuckle from parks and other areas in the City. He stated that he and the Friends of the Lower Olentangy Watershed had arranged an event on May 21, from 9:30 to 1:30, to remove these plants from Rush Run Park, at the end of Olentangy Blvd. He stated that he had come to Council to ask them to get the word out that volunteers were needed to assist in this effort. They would be needed to help cut this brush down and haul it out of the woods, to a chipper. Volunteers under 18 will have to have a waiver signed by a guardian. Galloway stated that he could send some information to the Web Manager to post to the website.

The Mayor thanked Galloway for the work that he had done the previous year to clear the brush out of the ravine and the Council agreed with this.

Next Meeting Announcement

The next regular meeting will be Monday, May 16 at 7:00 pm at the Thomas Worthington High School.


There being no further business, Slemmer moved and Lowe seconded the motion to adjourn. The motion was approved unanimously (4-0). The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 pm.