Communications Committee Meeting
April 16, 2013, 7:00 pm
Jody Croley Jones’s Residence
In attendance; Jon Ankrom, Jody Croley Jones, Pam Colwell, Lois Yoakam, Kathy McClintock, Sarah Mehling
Last month’s minutes were approved as read by the full committee and filed.
- Chris provided Jon w/ an example of the new quarterly newsletter format.
- Jon suggested that we zero in on the content and allow Chris to use his professional judgment on the layout.
- Each quarterly issue to have a large spread on the inside, focusing on a theme.
- First issue to go out will be for the 3rd quarter with a delivery date of August 15th. All Content will need to be given to Chris on July 1st and will go into production with Jon by August 1st.
August 15th Newsletter
- Theme “Our Streets”
- Themed Articles
- Infrastructure / Street Repairs (Jon to reach out to Eric)
- Quirky Street Layout / Addresses (Kathy to reach out to Pattie)
- Club 5:45 / Marathoners in Training (Sarah to reach out to friend in Club)
- Safety
- Pictures of Memorial Day & July 4th Parades
- Regular Features
- Restaurant Review (Pam to ask Jeff to review La Chatelaine)
- Block Watch (Jody to write first article)
- Kids’ Corner (Jon to reach out to Jenny Jones’ daughter)
- Classifieds (Lois will put something about this in previous newsletters)
- Calendar
- Social Events (Sarah’s section for the Social Chair position)
- Ideas for future themes
- Musicians in Riverlea
- Regular Newsletter to continue through July.
- Monthly Update Newsletter to start in September.
- Jody will create postcards for those that don’t read the newsletter or email regarding sign up for online newsletters. Jon agreed to print and mail.
- Discussed July 4th vs. Summer party. Sarah will email the board to see if anyone has come forward with ideas or concerns and move forward with planning once she has heard back from the Council.
- Note – At next meeting discuss appropriate amount of time necessary to turn around quarterly newletter from editing (Lois), to formatting (Chris) to printing and mailing (Jon).
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Next meeting – Tuesday, May 28 19, 7:00 pm.
Jody Croley JonesÂ’s residence, 5830 Falmouth Court.