Village of Riverlea Committee on Infrastructure
Meeting minutes May 3, 2021
The Riverlea Committee on Infrastructure met at 7:00 pm on Monday, May 3rd, 2021. The meeting was held on-line via Zoom due to the restrictions on public gatherings. The meeting was posted and open to the public. The following people were in attendance: Marc Benevento (Chair), Dan Schlichting (Council member), Bill Charles (Street Commissioner), and Steve Orenchuck (volunteer). Greg Ross (volunteer) and Scott Flores (volunteer) were unable to attend. Eric MacGilvray (Mayor) attended as a guest of the Committee.
Meeting Agenda:
- Approval of minutes from March 2020 meeting
- Introduction of new Committee member
- Need for street sweeping in April / May
- Lift station generator request for proposal and potential contractors to perform work
- Contingency plans for high impact items from asset management plan
- Funding of recommended sanitary sewer repairs
- New business
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.
- Minutes from the prior meeting had been circulated and reviewed by the committee members prior to the meeting and were approved as written.
- Steve Orenchuk was introduced to the Committee as a new volunteer member. The Committee roster is now full, with three Village officials and three volunteers.
- The Committee discussed the potential of contracting for a street sweeping in the late spring or early summer. The primary benefit of street sweeping is trash removal, which was not deemed to be a big concern at the time of the meeting. Street sweepers do use water during sweeping, but it is not known if this provides a cleaning function or is simply for dust suppression. However, sweeping would remove maple seedpods and other debris from the gutter pan and keep it from entering the storm sewer. Residents could also be encouraged to remove grass clippings and debris from the gutter pan by their properties. After much discussion, the consensus view was that street sweeping is not necessary at this time, but the Committee should monitor the gutter pan and recommend sweeping if necessary.
- The Committee has identified approximately seven contractors that may be capable of providing turnkey installation of a backup generator for the lift station. The Committee would like to get non-binding quotes to assess contractor capabilities, determine if the contract needs to be put to bid, and evaluate options for generator location, enclosures, and other project variables. Since location of the generator will impact the type of equipment used and the cost of the project, the solicitation of interest should include fewer details and encourage discussion with the contractors on these points. The Chair will revise the proposal and seek input from the Solicitor before bringing it back to the Committee.
- Contingency plan for high impact items identified in the asset management plan / existing sanitary system overflow emergency response plan: The sanitary system overflow emergency response plan was developed to guide Riverlea in a response to an overflow of the lift station, not a failure of the station or the force main. Therefore, it does not contain the information to respond to these failures, so development of an emergency response to a failure of the force main would be prudent.
- OPWC forms for the next round of funding have not yet been issued. The Committee will conduct scoring based on the previous round scoring to determine if funding should be pursued. The question was raised about other potential sources of funding. OPWC offers interest free loans and grants, whereas OWEA offers only low interest loans. OWEA loans, if available, would be less appealing than OPWC funding.
- New business: the question was raised if the asphalt used in the repair of the curb during the storm sewer inlet at Dover and Beverly was permanent. It was indicated that this was a temporary repair and Decker would return to replace the asphalt with concrete.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35PM.