Infrastructure Committee Meeting

May 2, 2016

The Riverlea Committee on Infrastructure met at 7:00 pm on May 2, 2016 at the Community Church of Christ at 110 Park St. Future meetings will be the first Monday of the month at the same time and place. The meeting was posted and open to the public. The following people were in attendance: Mayor Eric MacGilvray, Marc Benevento (Chair-Council member), Chad Lowe (Council Member), Jim Dippel of Burgess and Niple, volunteers John Oberle and Dan Schlichting.

The following tentative agenda was shared via e-mail prior to the meeting:

  1. Review & approval of minutes from prior meeting (please review attached in advance for comment or approval)
  2. Actions of sub-committees & old business
    1. Complete Streets ~ Bill C, Marc B
    2. Review of previous successful applications – John O, Dan S
    3. SCIP/LTIP scoring for small residential entities – John O
    4. Coordination with Worthington for sanitary sewer replacement / repair – Bill C
    5. Form subcommittee for short-term bond for engineering costs (if necessary)
    6. New Business
      (new business can be brought by any committee member or attendee; if anyone has additional ideas or analysis to share on the application process, this would be the time to discuss)

    Old Business

    At 7:02 pm the meeting was called to order. Marc Benevento asked for a volunteer to take meeting minutes and Dan Schlichting volunteered.Meeting minutes from the April 4,2016 meeting were approved without changes. It was noted that Greg Ross will need to sign the meeting minutes as the record.

    John Oberle reported on his efforts to obtain information on previous successful applications. He provided a printed spreadsheet of Communities that received 2011 -2016 SCIP grant and/or load funding. The spreadsheet contained municipality, project description, project costs and grant and load awards provided by MORPC. The thought is to request the successful applications from the communities that are most similar to Riverlea to better inform our final application this year.
    John also spoke with Wilma Yoder from MORPC regarding considering a change to the application criteria particularly effecting small communities like Riverlea, but she reported that they are not pursuing a change for this year and that very few applicants scored well on that criteria.
    Marc Benevento said he would send out the prior analysis performed 3 years ago to the group on successful applications in case it might prove useful.

    Discussion regarding “Complete Streets” criteria of application. Complete Streets is an initiative to safely incorporate multi-modal street use in communities. Jim Dippel feels we might not have “uncomplete” streets – in essence Riverlea has not had a lot of traffic incidents or other concerns that could be demonstrably addressed. There could be some opportunity with night time walking or perhaps lack of signage. It seems the two main questions regarding any addition to the scope of the project would be 1) will the improvement enhance the usability of the streets for all modes of transportation and 2) would the addition of the improvement be a significant enhancement to the applications probability of success.
    Marc will follow up with Wilma to see find out what options may be most likely to enhance our application.

    Marc reported that Bil l Charles (Riverlea Street Commisioner) is initiating discussions with Worthington on our shared sanitary sewer line.

    Eric MacGilvray will form a sub-committee to investigate obtaining short-term bonds for engineering and design costs. Our approved ballot issue only authorizes payment for loans and bonds. Need to obtain short term financing to convert millage resources into spendable funds to pay for project design work.

    New Business:

    Eric recommended reviewing the application timeline and communication with council. The final application criteria will be released after July 1s t, 2016 and the committee will need to make a recommendation to council for approval. As there is no July council meeting, will request to call for a special council meeting to present recommendations around July 18, 2016.Bill , Jim and Marc will meet before the next meeting to identify the portions of the application which can be done by the committee and which needs to be completed by professional engineers.

    The meeting adjourned at 7:47 pm