Infrastructure Committee Meeting
June 23, 2014
The Riverlea Committee on Infrastructure met on June 23, 2014 at 5840 Falmouth Court. The following members were in attendance: Council member Eric A. MacGilvray (Chair), Bill Charles (Street Commissioner), Council member Jackalyn Slemmer, Briggs Hamor, Marc Benevento, and Pamela Colwell. Jim Dippel from Burgess & Niple was a guest. At 7:05 pm the meeting was called to order.
- Minutes of the prior meeting were approved. 4 yes, 2 abstentions. Marc was designated the recorder for this meeting.
- Review of alternatives; update on water flow testing (Bill Charles) Council’s decision to pursue option 2 (replacing curbs and gutters at higher elevation) was discussed. Concerns were raised that the disruption to property frontage and existing landscaping may outweigh the cost savings versus option 1. The committee agreed to consider both options 1 and 2 moving forward. Bill Charles indicated he had made contact with the authorities regarding water flow testing of the fire hydrants, and the testing should be able to be conducted this summer. Bill will follow up on expected costs (if any) and dates for the tests.
- Discussion of funding options
- OPWC, CDBG: Eric MacGilvray provided a summary of estimated funding. Minimum of $2.44 MM loan balance expected which, at zero interest for a 30 year term, would require an annual payment of $81,300 to service.
- OWDA: Bill Charles reviewed that project design must be final and approved to apply for this funding. Applications can be filed monthly. Eligible costs include design and construction. Up to $3 MM can be borrowed at approximately 2% annual interest.
- Operating and construction levies: would require approval by voters. With Riverlea’s assessed value of $24.5 MM, each 1 mil brings $24,500 of annual revenue to the village.
- Assessments & income tax (Marc): Current and prior five years assessments cannot exceed 1/3 of actual parcel value. Marc to consult Leah Reibel to more accurately define “actual value.” Should this be equivalent to assessed value of $24.5MM, assessments could be used to raise approximately $8MM. Method of assessment can be by (1) percentage of tax value of the property, (2) in proportion to the benefits, or (3) by front foot of property bounding and abutting improvement. Marc to explore with Leah how the method of assessment is determined for each project. Steps for enacting an income tax were not yet researched and Marc will consult Leah to determine how to examine this.
The next Committee meeting will be Monday, July 14, 2014 at 7:00 pm at 5840 Falmouth Court.