Village of Riverlea Capital Improvement
August 20, 2012
Funding Focus
- Potential Infrastructure Projects
- Streets
- Water Lines
- Storm Sewers
- Sanitary Sewers
- Sanitary Sewers
- Required to begin work by February, 2014
- Estimated cost of $600,000-$700,000
Sanitary Sewer Funding
- Grant Funding
- SCIP (State Capital Improvement Program)
- Administered through the Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC)
- Grant & Loan Funding
- Sanitary Sewer work only eligible for a loan
- Terms of loan
- 0% interest
- Time period- up to 30 years
SCIP Application
- Due to MORPC September 17, 2012
- Burgess & Niple leading the application process
- Estimated cost of $10,000
- Riverlea assisting B&N to decrease costs
- Application Decision announced December 14, 2012
- Alternatives if unsuccessful in application
Infrastructure Timeline
2012-2014 Summary
- 2012
- March: Infrastructure Committee Created
- July: Pursue OPWC Funding Round 27
- August: Application Draft Deadline
- September 17: SCIP application due to MORPC
- December 7: Preliminary SCIP Results released
- December 14: Final SCIP Results released
- 2013
- March: Small Government Fund Applications reviewed
- June: SCIP Funds available
- 2014
- February: Deadline to begin Sanitary Sewer Work
- SCIP (State Capital Improvement Program)