Infrastructure Committee Meeting

March 8, 2012

The Riverlea Infrastructure Council met on 3-8-12 at the Worthington Public Library. In attendance were the following Committee members: Council members Briggs W. Hamor (chairperson), Eric A. MacGilvray, Street Commissioner William P. Charles, and volunteers Chris Bedell and Marc Benevento. At 8:00 pm the meeting was called to order.

The committee members decided to share the responsibility of taking minutes rather than electing a Secretary.

The Infrastructure Committee goals were stated as “providing Council with a timeline for improvement, repairs, and maintenance of Rivelea’s infrastructure in the form of 2-3 financially graded plans.” Committee will seek guidance from Council regarding timeline for these recommendations.

Bill Charles reviewed the layout of Riverlea’s sanitary sewer system, including ties to Worthington’s trunk sewer.

Bill Charles reviewed a list of 15 projects for consideration by the Infrastructure committee, which included projects related to sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water supply, and streets. Of the list, six projects related to the sanitary sewers are required to be completed prior to Feb 11, 2014 per Riverlea’s agreement with the EPA. The Committee will consider the need, cost, priority, and sequencing of projects in the development of proposals for Council.

The Committee discussed the potential sources of funding for the projects, and will investigate the availability of Riverlea operating funds for some near-term, lower cost projects. Sources of funding for higher capital, longer-term projects were discussed, and included a issuance of bonds, as well as state and federal loans and grants.

The Committee will meet on the first Thursday of each month, with the exception of holidays and extenuating circumstances. The April 2012 meeting will be scheduled so it does not coincide with Worthington Schools Spring Break.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.