Meeting Archive
Public Information
Architectural Review Board (ARB) meetings are held on the second Monday each month at 7:00 pm, pending the need to meet. The ARB does not do building inspection, only architectural review and zoning compliance. All Village residents are welcome and encouraged to attend the meetings.
Regular meeting: July 14, 2008
A meeting of the Village of Riverlea Planning Commission was held July 14, 2008. Members present were Michael Jones (Building/Zoning Commissioner), L. Keith Beachler, Bryce E. Jacob, Jody Croley Jones, and Lisa J. Morris. Also present John Nicholson and Mary Jo Cusack, Mayor of Riverlea. Pamela M. Colwell served as Clerk. Michael Jones called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm.
- An application for a Certificate of Appropriateness was presented by John Nicholson of Nicholson Builders regarding the design of a patio and deck at the rear of 5795 Olentangy Boulevard. Jones moved and Morris seconded a motion to take the application off the table from the June 9, 2008 meeting. The following was recorded on the motion: yea, 5: Beachler, Croley Jones, Jacob, Jones and Morris: nay, 0. The motion carried 5-0. Nicholson submitted a letter he wrote to the next door neighbor who objected to the application at the June 9th meeting. He stated that he had attempted to talk with her but she never came to her door. He even left a set of plans in her mailbox. The Commission felt Nicholson had made every reasonable attempt to resolve her issues, so Jones removed her objection and closed the matter. Nicholson briefly discussed the plans. A $2,000 street bond will be required. Nicholson stated that the landscaping will be done after the construction is completed and Jones informed him that the landscape company will have to submit their plans to the Planning Commission for a Certificate of Appropriateness before they proceed. Nicholson agreed to pass this information on to the homeowners and landscape company. Jacob moved and Morris seconded a motion to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness. The following was recorded on the motion: yea, 5: Beachler, Croley Jones, Jacob, Jones and Morris: nay, 0. The motion carried 5-0.
- An application for a Certificate of Appropriateness was presented by Bryce Jacob to replace the rear porch roof by continuing the garage roof over the rear porch at 258 Frontenac Place and to replace the windows, door and siding of said porch. The siding will match the existing siding and be installed to look as continuous with current siding as possible. The new windows and shutters will match the existing ones on the house. The new door will be a sliding door but will match the old French doors. A light will be installed near the outside door and Jacob was informed that the spillover light will need to be addressed. Croley Jones moved to approve the plans with the noted changes and Morris seconded the motion. The following was recorded on the motion: yea, 4: Beachler, Croley Jones, Jones and Morris: abstained: 1, Jacob: nay, 0:. The motion carried 4-1-0.
- An application for a Certificate of Appropriateness was presented by Lisa Morris at 121 West Southington Avenue to replace the front door and sidelight, replace the door on the in-law suite and to replace the siding on the end gables and dormer. The replacement siding will be synthetic cedar shingles in a color to match the existing color. Croley Jones moved and Jacob seconded a motion to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness with the change to use synthetic cedar shingles as noted. The following was recorded on the motion: yea, 4: Beachler, Croley Jones, Jacob and Jones: abstained: 1, Morris: nay, 0:. The motion carried 4-1-0.
- An application for a Certificate of Appropriateness by Loyis Carter at 5739 Dover Court to remove and replace the siding and side door on the garage was reviewed by the Commission in her absence. Croley Jones telephoned Carter to get clarification about the new side door and Carter confirmed that it will be exactly like the old one. Samples of the vinyl siding were reviewed. Jacob moved and Croley Jones seconded a motion to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness. The following was recorded on the motion: yea, 5: Beachler, Croley Jones, Jacob, Jones and Morris: nay, 0. The motion carried 5-0.
The Commission took no additional action. Jones announced the next meeting will be held August 11, 2008. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.
L. Keith Beachler
Bryce E. Jacob
Jody Croley Jones
Michael Jones, Planning Commissioner
Lisa J. Morris
Pamela M. Colwell, Clerk